Sunday, 30 March 2014

Wuzzles n Hoops

Hi people out there! Today at Enrich we did some Wuzzles which are word puzzles .We did them with Nicola. They were pretty hard.  Another activity was ... Hoop-A-Rooney. It is a game where you need to get 3 hoops around a circle formed by a group of people in the fastest time without letting go of the person beside's hand. It took us 1 min 39sec. 

That is all for now so bye!

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Aurasma is the best!

Hi people out there! 
Today at Enrich we were placed into three groups and we rotated around three activities. 
One of my favourites was Rotation 1. We watched an interview with the teen artist Lorde. We learned how gifted she was and how she had all 11 scholarly habits.

My highlight was rotation 3. It was the app Aurasma. It was the best. It makes a picture come to life with video clips. You need to get the app and place the device in front of an Aurasma  picture. Then the app begins to work its magic and you can watch really cool video clips. We made our own clips using the app.

See you guys next week!

Sunday, 9 March 2014


Today at Enrich we had to make up 10 open questions for our buddy to answer and Norton was my buddy so she had to answer my question. 
After she had answered my questions, I had to answer her questions. We are learning about our classmates and what the difference between open and closed questions. A closed question needs a one word answer. Open questions gives more than one word answers.
 Before morning tea, we played this game called hoop-a-roon-y. We linked hands and had to move a hoop around the circle in the fastest time.
That is all for now so...... bye!