Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Science project

Today we started the day with chess, I versed Jonn. I lost! Next we did Environment projects. I have been working on putting a giant chess board in Wachner Place. Next we did high intrest stations. I did science with Katie.  We had different materials to make our own parachute.  We got to use six plastic bags, one little sheet of cardboard in a rectangle shape, and as much big pieces of thick paper cardboard as we wanted.  We used a polystyrene cup and egg and skewers.  Mine stayed up the longest, and the egg survived!

Tuesday, 21 August 2012


Today at Enrich we started the day with chess. I played against Robert. It was a stalemate. I am going to play against him again. Later on we did high interest stations. I chose science with Katie. We neded to make a parachute with different materials. Here is a photo of mine and Lewis.

Tuesday, 14 August 2012


Today we started the day with leader board chess. I played against Nathan. I lost. I am still at the same  place on the leader board. Next we did high interest stations. I did biology and we used Comic Life.  On Comic Life we used the pictures we had taken of the fly with the dinoscope. Here is mine:

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Term 3 Week 4

Today we started the day with chess. I played against Nathan, we didn't get to finish the game. I would of won if the music hadn't gone off . Then we went to Wachner Place to look at what wall to put murals on and a space to put a giant chess board on.