Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Term 3 week 3

Today is the first of August 2012.  We played chess this morning.  I played Caleb and I lost!  Next I did some more tessellations with Darryn.  I kept working on my seal, but I didn't quite get finished.  I enjoyed testing myself because tessellations are hard!  After morning tea we spent some time talking about our environment projects.  We have decided that our group want to work on making Wachner Place more fun.  We want to put a giant chess set there for people to play with.  We might also do a mural because there are blank stone walls there.

Tuesday, 24 July 2012


Today a lady called Anastazia came from Environment Southland  to talk about  the environment, mostly she talked about The Waihopai River and all the dirt and pollution that is getting in to it and how we could help fix it. She also told us about Seaward bush and the pest animals and plants in there and how we could help it if that was what we wanted to do. I want to do something to help clean up the Waihopai River and we have to decide what we are going to do this week and let the teachers know next week.

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

First day for Term 3

Today is the first day of term three at Enrich. This morning we got to choose what you wanted to do. There were three choices:  Science with Jenny - they made Elephant Toothpaste, Art with Katie - they did painting, or Maths with Darryn - we did tessellations.  When you make tessellations, you need to choose a pattern and you need to join them together so there are no more gaps and you need to choose two different colours for the pictures in your pattern. I chose to draw a seal.  I am probably going to colour it red and green.  I will finish this next week and I will take a photo to show you.